Jonas de los Reyes: The Ace Behind Casino Content at Casino Plus

Jonas de los Reyes

Basic Information

  • Name: Jonas de los Reyes
  • Nickname: J.D. Reyes
  • Phone Number: 09480613972
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Current Residence: Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
  • Date of Birth: January 12, 1982
  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, University of the Philippines, graduated in 2004
  • Certifications: Certified Content Marketing Specialist by the Digital Marketing Institute, awarded in 2018
Jonas de los Reyes
Jonas de los Reyes

Career Journey and Accomplishments

Jonas de los Reyes has built a stellar career over 17 years, specializing in product management, content development, and digital and social media marketing. He graduated from the University of the Philippines with a degree in Marketing in 2004 and has since worked with numerous startups, contributing to their growth and success.

Career Journey and Accomplishments of Jonas de los Reyes
Career Journey and Accomplishments of Jonas de los Reyes

His notable career milestones include:

  • Digital Marketing Specialist at Global Startups Inc. (2004-2008)
  • Product Manager at Local Innovators Ltd. (2008-2013)
  • Content Development Head at Social Buzz Enterprises (2013-2018)
  • Chief Digital Officer at DigiConnect Solutions (2018-2022)

During his tenure at these companies, Jonas spearheaded digital campaigns and content strategies that significantly boosted user engagement and brand visibility.

Joining Casino Plus

In 2022, Jonas de los Reyes brought his extensive expertise to Casino Plus (, a leading online casino platform based at 8741 Paseo de Roxas, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines. At Casino Plus, Jonas holds the pivotal role of Casino Content Expert. His responsibilities include creating compelling and informative content that resonates with casino enthusiasts, from novice players to high rollers.

Jonas de los Reyes Joining Casino Plus
Jonas de los Reyes Joining Casino Plus

Jonas’s work at Casino Plus involves:

  • Developing In-Depth Betting Guides: Crafting detailed guides on popular casino games such as blackjack, roulette, and slots to educate players on game rules, strategies, and tips for maximizing their winnings.
  • Enhancing User Experience: Creating engaging content that keeps players informed about the latest promotions, tournaments, and new game releases.
  • SEO Optimization: Implementing SEO strategies to ensure Casino Plus ranks highly in search results, attracting more players to the platform.
Jonas's work at Casino Plus involves:
Jonas’s work at Casino Plus involves:

Since joining Casino Plus, Jonas has achieved remarkable successes, including:

  • Increasing website traffic by 70% through strategic SEO and engaging content.
  • Boosting user engagement by 50% with interactive content and real-time updates on casino promotions.
  • Driving membership growth by 30% through targeted content marketing campaigns.

Community Involvement and Public Engagement

Beyond his role at Casino Plus, Jonas is deeply involved in the broader digital marketing and casino community. He conducts digital marketing workshops, mentors aspiring marketers, and actively participates in charity events. His dedication to sharing his knowledge is evident in his frequent speaking engagements at betting and digital marketing conferences, where he provides valuable insights on casino content creation and marketing strategies.

Community Involvement and Public Engagement
Community Involvement and Public Engagement

Personal Interests

A true connoisseur of coffee and a lover of rainy days, Jonas finds inspiration in the serene ambiance these elements provide, often using these moments to brainstorm and develop innovative content ideas.

Jonas de los Reyes continues to be a key player in the casino content and digital marketing arena, significantly contributing to the growth and success of Casino Plus while inspiring and educating the next generation of marketers and casino enthusiasts.

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